Technology Planning & Policy Council (TPPC)
Provides vision, strategy, policy and planning recommendations for the adoption, implementation and maintenance of technologies with an equity-minded focus. Serves in an advisory capacity to the District Executive Council. The council also provides the following:
- Development and monitoring of the districtwide Information Technology Plan for enterprise systems, administrative computing, and instructional technology
- Communication on the status of the Technology Plan and strategic priorities to stakeholder groups and existing councils and committees
- Communication and guidance to the Technology Operations Committee (TOC) regarding districtwide technology projects and priorities
- Communication and guidance to the College Technology Committees regarding technology initiatives
- Quarterly updates to the District Executive Council
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Frequency
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Time: Third Thursday of the Month from 10:30am - 11:30am
Location: First and Last Meeting of the Academic Year alternates between Grossmont College and Cuyamaca College. All other meetings held via Zoom
Committee Members

Associate Vice Chancellor, Technology (Chair)

Associate Vice Chancellor, Educational Support Services

Vice President, Academic Affairs, Grossmont College*

Vice President, Instruction, Cuyamaca College*

Vice President, Administrative Services, Grossmont College*

Vice President, Administrative Services, Cuyamaca College*

Vice President, Student Services, Grossmont College

Vice President, Student Services, Cuyamaca College

Dean, Learning & Technology Resources, Grossmont College

Dean, Learning & Technology Resources, Cuyamaca College

Faculty representative, Technology Committee, Grossmont College

Faculty representative, College Technology Committee, Cuyamaca College

Classified Staff representative, Technology Committee, Grossmont College

Classified Staff representative, College Technology Committee, Cuyamaca College

Classified Staff representative, District IT

Student representative (can be from either college)

Research & Planning representative (can be from either college or district)

Resource Personnel: President, Grossmont College; President, Cuyamaca College;; Information
Technology staff; and other representatives as required
*The Vice Presidents will alternate both campus and role. (Example: Vice President Student Services, Cuyamaca College, will serve concurrent with Vice President, Academic Affairs, Grossmont College.)
** The IT Directors will alternate as needed.