Course Registration

Course Registration



Disability, Diversity, and Society (RSS1) Online

This 9-week introductory course (June 9- August 10, 2025) benefits individuals working in the public sector that may interact with people who have disabilities, as well as employees of community programs serving individuals with disabilities. This class will explore the dynamics of societal views of disability, as a part of human diversity, and the inclusion of people with disabilities in everyday life. The relationships between societal institutions and the needs of persons with disabilities are examined in light of both historical and contemporary trends. An understanding of the factors impacting quality of life for individuals with disabilities are achieved through student interviews and observations conducted in community and social settings. Students will gain understanding of the San Diego Regional Center Residential Vendorization Process, and have opportunity to begin preparation of thier Residential Vendorization Application.

This course satisfies requirements for Part I of the San Diego Regional Center’s Residential Specialist Certificate.

NOTE:  This is a college-level course. Participants should expect to devote 4-10 hours per week to course work.

Mode of Instruction:  Online

Course Dates: June 9- August 10, 2025

Course Cost:  $350.00

Payment/Refund and Cancellation Policy:  Please see our Frequently Asked Questions Page for our policies.

GROUP RATES may be available.

Contact Dr. Janice Melroy: with any questions about Disability Support Services Program (registration, certificates, rates, etc.)

Contact Instructor Dr. Janice Melroy: with questions specific to this course.

** Additional Information: As a Corporate College student, I understand and consent for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Corporate College to use my image for marketing/advertising purposes, including but not limited to including such image in flyers or other marketing tools and on the Corporate College Website.

I further understand that If I do not wish to give consent, I will notify Corporate College in writing prior to the start of each course.

Techniques and Practices for the Disability Support Specialist (RSS2)

This 8-week course (June 9- August 3, 2025) benefits paraprofessionals working in an environment where you may interact and or support someone with a physical, intellectual and/or developmental disability.   This course will explore the necessary technical knowledge to support social skills and integration, adaptation, self-dependence, health, safety, nutrition, recreation, leisure and communication for persons with disabilities. Topics covered include behavior management, functional skills, infection control, individual program planning and implementation and independent living.

This course satisfies requirements for Part II of the San Diego Regional Center’s Residential Specialist Certificate.

Prerequisite:  RSS1 must be taken prior or at the same time as RSS2.

Mode of Instruction:  Online

NOTE:  This is an online college-level course. Participants should expect to devote 4-10 hours per week to course work.

Course Dates:   June 9- August 3, 2025

Course Cost: $325.00

Payment/Refund and Cancellation Policy:  Please see our Frequently Asked Questions Page for our policies.

GROUP RATES may be available.

Contact Dr. Janice Melroy: with any questions about Disability Support Services Program (registration, certificates, rates, etc.)

Contact Instructor Thomas Carr, MS: with questions specific to this course. 

** Additional Information: As a Corporate College student, I understand and consent for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Corporate College to use my image for marketing/advertising purposes, including but not limited to including such image in flyers or other marketing tools and on the Corporate College Website.

I further understand that If I do not wish to give consent, I will notify Corporate College in writing prior to the start of each course.


Positive Behavior Supports (RSS3) 

(Prerequisite: RSS1)

This 12-week (July 31- October 31, 2025) course benefits anyone who interacts with individuals who exhibit challenging behavior(s).  It is primarily offered for administrators, managers, and residential specialists working in group homes for individuals with developmental disabilities. Course topics will view behavior as communication and emphasize behavior support rather than behavior management. Positive behavior support plans are written and analyzed as part of the course using person-centered planning and a collaborative, team approach.  Students are given the opportunity to practice their skills in data collection methods and to develop summary statements. Strategies in teaching replacement skills are taught. Assaultive behaviors are discussed with consideration given to ethical issues in interventions. How the criminal justice system deals with individuals with disabilities are explored and analyzed. Medical issues that affect one’s behaviors are also discussed. The goal of positive behavior support is to teach individuals the skills they need to improve their quality of life.  

This course meets San Diego Regional Center’s requirements for professionals who are currently administering, or are interested in opening a level  3 or 4 home. 

Prerequisite:  RSS1 must be taken prior or at the same time as RSS3.

NOTE:  This is a college-level course. Participants should expect to devote 4-10 hours per week to course work.

Mode of Instruction:  Online

Course Dates:  July 31- October 31, 2025

Course Cost:  $325.00

Payment/Refund and Cancellation Policy:  Please see our Frequently Asked Questions Page for our policies.

GROUP RATES may be available.

Contact Dr. Janice Melroy: with any questions about Disability Support Services Program (registration, certificates, rates, etc.)

Contact Instructor Dr. Janice Melroy: with questions specific to this course.

** Additional Information: As a Corporate College student, I understand and consent for Grossmont-Cuyamaca Corporate College to use my image for marketing/advertising purposes, including but not limited to including such image in flyers or other marketing tools and on the Corporate College Website.

I further understand that If I do not wish to give consent, I will notify Corporate College in writing prior to the start of each course.


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