CTE College Credit Frequently Asked Questions
CTE College Credit Frequently Asked Questions
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CTE College Credit is a program connecting high school students to college degrees. You get a chance to explore career interests at your high school while building an official college transcript.
The CTE College Credit program identifies high school courses comparable to specific college courses and creates articulation agreements between them. These agreements allow students at their high schools who receive a "B" or better in a CTE College Credit course and on the final to earn college credit without paying any tuition or fees.
Community colleges in California receive federally funded grants. Each establishes a consortia of schools, businesses, ROP programs and universities, to develop and operate a CTE College Credit program.
High school students between grades 9-12 attending a high school within the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District are eligible to participate.
Any high school student may take a CTE College Credit course, but only those who successfully complete the designated CTE College Credit courses with a "B" (3.0) or better, may earn college credit.
Students must submit a completed articulation form at the end of the school year for the designated CTE College Credit course. This results in a college transcript for each CTE College Credit student, listing courses and grades.
When CTE College Credit students enroll at Grossmont or Cuyamaca College after high school graduation, they find that they already have some college credit waiting for them!
Credit will be applied to students’ college transcript one semester after the high school course has been completed.
CTE College Credit classes are offered in local high schools by qualified high school instructors. Each high school offers a variety of CTE College Credit eligible classes.
CREDIT Information
Yes. Some CTE College Credit classes may be equivalent to required (or elective) courses in multiple areas of study.
For example, Administration of Justice can be applied towards a major in Administration of Justice as well as counting as a social science requirement.
Yes, but credit must be applied within 3 years of completing the course.
CTE College Credit eligible classes appear on both your high school and college transcripts. If you have CTE College Credit classes at more than one college, you will have multiple college transcripts.
For an official college transcript you will need to request a transcript from the college where your CTE College Credit classes were recorded. To confirm you have received college credit or help getting your transcript, contact the CTE College Credit office at 619-644-7479 or ctecollegecredit@gcccd.edu.
Career Pathway plans
You will still need to apply to either Grossmont College or Cuyamaca College to open a transcript. Your CTE College Credit may also be transferable to some additional colleges. The counselors at those colleges will be able to answer that question.
Articulated Credit is available to you right now. It’s free and enrollment is easy. It's a great way to get double credit for some of your hard work in high school. You also gain an edge over other high school graduates while job hunting, by impressing your employer with the fact that you earned college credit before you earned your high school diploma.
Your CTE College Credit may be transferable – saving you time and money. Transferability of your credit depends on the receiving institution. Many students have received credit at various colleges in California and across the U.S. However, there is no guarantee that these credits will transfer to any other community/technical college, four-year college, or university.
If you plan to work full-time you can gain an edge over other high school graduates by having college credit. If you change your plans, the CTE College Credit will be there – like money in the bank.
No. Students who complete all requirements can apply these credits toward relevant college degrees, whether they used these courses in high school as electives, as part of a career and technology coherent sequence, or as part of a CTE College Credit program sequence.
Questions about CTE College Credit / Tech Prep?
Please contact:
- Your high school counselor or college and career specialist.
- Your CTE instructors teaching approved CTE College Credit courses.
- ctecollegecredit@gcccd.edu
To see a description of the college classes, see the college catalogs.
These are the classes for which you will already have college credit-
if you earn a "B" or better in the articulated High School classes,
and turn in your "Articulated Credit Form" on time.