Nazick Al Nassar

Taking her future into her own hands


Nazick Al Nassar

Born in Iraq with severe allergies, Nazick Al Nassar’s health challenges hampered her ability to excel in school. Now an El Cajon resident, she decided to take her health and future into her own hands. Al Nassar, 39, is another participant of the Promise program.

Al Nassar had resolved to explore the source of her ailments and take control of her own destiny. “I decided to study the subject and try to overcome my allergies with lifestyle changes,” Al Nassar said. She switched to a plant-based diet, eliminated carbonated drinks and caffeine, and began running three times a week. Within a few months, her allergy symptoms improved and she was able to reduce her medications. 

Al Nassar immigrated to the United States with her family in 2017, settling for a time in Michigan. After a stint back in Iraq caring for her mother, she returned to the U.S. in 2020. Al Nassar, her husband and their three children settled in East County. She applied to Cuyamaca College and began classes in fall 2021. “A letter of acceptance from Cuyamaca College has the power to change my life,” she remembers thinking at the time. 

Al Nassar has not been worried about excelling at college, but financial limitations have been a challenge. “The path isn't easy, but I move forward because this will change my life for the better,” she said.

The Promise program has allowed her to continue her education. “Words cannot explain how grateful I am for your gesture to assist me in this scholarship,” Al Nassar said.

Al Nassar is studying English grammar, reading, and writing at Cuyamaca. She would like to develop a career in interior design. “I want to see myself after five years as a more skillful, knowledgeable, and experienced individual,” she said.


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