Short-term Classes Start April 4 at Grossmont & Cuyamaca Colleges


people at computers in BOT classLooking for a quick, affordable and flexible way to earn college credits, obtain critical work skills, or expand your academic horizons?

Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges are offering numerous short-term, accelerated classes in person, virtually and in hybrid formats beginning April 4 for students seeking a variety of ways to advance their education and professional training. Grossmont College’s list of short-term classes, is updated daily. A list of short-term classes at Cuyamaca College is available through the college’s home page.

Short-term classes, which help students earn credits quickly, range in length from four to eight weeks – in contrast to 16 weeks for regular semester-length classes. These short-term classes run between early April and late May.

Many of the short-term classes earn students the same three credits as the majority of courses offered during the semester. At only $46 a unit for California residents, they are a bargain.

Financial aid and the Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise program are available to those who qualify. The Grossmont-Cuyamaca College Promise provides two free years of tuition and payment of mandatory fees at Grossmont or Cuyamaca College for first-time students who are attending college full-time. 

Below are some highlights of the short-term course offerings at each college:

Cuyamaca College

Among the many course offerings at Cuyamaca are those targeting students looking to transfer to a university or seeking business/technology training for career advancement. Classes still enrolling include Communication 124: Intercultural Communication; Communication 137: Critical Thinking; Political Science 121: Introduction to Political Science, and Math 281: Multivariate Calculus, among others.

Cuyamaca College is also featuring continuing education (CE) courses this Spring, including Water/Wastewater Studies at its Center for Water Studies, and Automotive and Electronic Technology, offered in a hybrid format.

Grossmont College

Grossmont College is also offering many flexible, short-term classes this Spring. Grossmont’s short-term, mini-semester landing page is updated daily.

Beginning April 4, the college will offer numerous classes in Career Technical Education – Workforce Development; Allied Health and Nursing; Art, Language, and Communication; Counseling; and English and Social/Behavioral Sciences.

Also beginning in April are courses in Study Skills and Time Management (April 6-May 25); Theater Workshop Lab (April 8-May 28); Modern World History and Early World History (April 25-May 27, 100% online); Basic Security Academy (April 26-May 21); and Comprehensive Excel Level III (May 2-May 28, 100% online).

Agustin Albarran, dean of English and Social Behavioral Sciences at Grossmont College, said short-term courses offer students opportunities to progress toward either graduation, a transfer, or certification. In short, these courses expand the options available to students across both colleges.

“The idea is to give students access to classes they may not have registered for at the beginning of the semester,” Albarran said. “There’s a need (for the flexibility of short-term classes), and we need to think differently about how we put together schedules.”

Grossmont and Cuyamaca colleges are also offering many classes to fulfill General Education requirements, including English, cultural anthropology, introductory psychology, political science, history, math, economics and music.

Information on the college’s COVID-19 vaccine and safe–return-to-campus guidelines are available at: Grossmont’s Returning to Campus and Cuyamaca’s Vaccination Policy pages.

For more information on applying and enrolling, as well as financial aid, visit the Now page.

For Grossmont College application and registration assistance, visit Grossmont’s Helpdesk. For Cuyamaca College application and registration assistance, connect live with a person via Zoom or the Student Help Center.


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