Step 1: Ready for Online Learning?
Our TIPS FOR ONLINE SUCCESS page contains some helpful information and tips to help prepare you for online courses.
Online Classes
Online students attend virtual classes via the Internet in a system called Canvas.
Instructional methods in an online class can be just as varied as those in a traditional face-to-face classes. Some courses require you to attend an on-campus orientation or to take tests on campus.
Before beginning an online class it is advised that you refer to the Schedule of Classes for any special instruction.
Online classes are identified in our student registration system
Online classes are listed in the registration system as "Distance Education/Online WEB (Internet 100%)"
Hybrid Classes
Hybrid classes are sometimes referred to as “blended” classes because the class is taught partially in a traditional face-to-face environment and partially online via Canvas.
The days, times, and location where you will be required to meet on campus will be listed in the Schedule of Classes.
Hybrid classes are listed in the registration system as:
- Distance Education/Online WEB (Internet <50% Online)
- Distance Education/Online WEB (Internet 51+% Online)
Web Enhanced Classes
Instructors who teach traditional face-to-face classes may utilize Canvas or other online resources to supplement their traditional classes. These are NOT hybrid classes and will be listed in the Schedule of Classes as traditional on-campus courses.
Individual instructors will inform students in class whether materials will be made available within their Canvas course and whether use of other online tools, such as discussion boards or online testing, are required.