Trustee Areas

Trustee Areas

Find Your Trustee

1. Using a Chrome or Firefox browser, click here to open the turstee area map in Google Earth.

2. In the lefthand toolbar, select the search icon, type in your address, and press enter.

From there you can see whether your residence falls within district bounds, and if so, which trustee area you belong to.

2021 Redistricting

Every 10 years, governments revisit the boundaries of districts used to elect their representatives, to consider changes based on U.S. Census data.  

At the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, the last redistricting process took place in late 2021, following the release of 2020 Census data. The process included holding three public hearings.

The District analyzed to what extent population and demographics had changed between the 2010 Census and 2020 Census. An outside expert, Redistricting Partners, prepared this report. Redistricting Partners found the boundaries to be well-drawn and in alignment with communities of interest including school districts and cities. Overall, the District’s population increased from 465,050 in 2010 to 498,019 in 2020, or by about 7 percent, with population gains spread across the five trustee areas. The District also saw less than significant demographic changes.

The Governing Board considered three maps, including two with minor adjustments, and a third that retained existing lines. The Board voted to maintain the existing boundaries.

Below were the three maps considered:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 (Existing Boundaries)